June 2019 Committee on Instruction Item 9
Approval of Proposed Updates to the Texas State Plan for the Education of Gifted/Talented Students
June 14, 2019
SUMMARY: This item provides the opportunity for the committee and board to review and approve the recommended updates to the Texas State Plan for the Education of Gifted/Talented Students (State Plan).
STATUTORY AUTHORITY: Texas Education Code (TEC), §7.102(c)(15) and §29.123
TEC, §7.102(c)(15), requires the State Board of Education (SBOE) to adopt criteria for identifying gifted and talented students and develop and update a state plan for the education of gifted and talented students.
TEC, §29.123, requires the SBOE to develop and periodically update a state plan for the education of gifted and talented students to guide school districts in establishing and improving programs for identified students.
PREVIOUS BOARD ACTION: The Committee on Instruction discussed the review of the State Plan at the April 12, 2018 and June 14, 2018 meetings. The committee also discussed the draft state plan on April 4, 2019. The SBOE previously approved updates to the State Plan in September 18, 2009.
BACKGROUND INFORMATION AND JUSTIFICATION: The State Plan was first approved and adopted by the State Board of Education (SBOE) in 1975 with the goal of assisting school districts in their efforts to meet the needs of gifted/talented students. The State Plan was then revised in 1980-81 to include a comprehensive outline of school district responsibilities and activities, and to provide guidance for planning, implementing, and providing appropriate educational services for gifted/talented students. In 1990-91, the State Plan was again revised to reflect the changes that had occurred during the previous ten years, including a 1990 statewide mandate for the education of gifted/talented students. The 1990-91 revision included guidelines for school districts to follow that assisted with Texas Administrative Code (TAC) rule compliance and in implementing exemplary programs to assure quality services to gifted/talented students.
In 1996, the SBOE adopted a revision of the State Plan that reorganized the guidance to school districts into a three-column format. The first column, labeled ‘Acceptable,’ established the basis of program accountability. The second and third columns, established a recognized and exemplary level, providing school districts with a guide for program improvement. The three-column format was continued in the 2000, and 2006 versions of the adopted State Plan. In 2009, the SBOE approved a revision of the State Plan that included updated language to the three-columns, establishing the ‘In Compliance’ column as the basis of accountability for gifted/talented services and programming. In addition, the second and third columns provided guidance to school districts on ‘Recommended’ and ‘Exemplary’ targets of service.
Pursuant to TEC, §29.123, the State Plan provides the basis of G/T services, accountability, and assistance to school districts, charging the SBOE with periodically updating the State Plan guidance. At the April 12, 2018 Committee on Instruction meeting, the committee held a discussion item on gifted/talented rule and the State Plan, and at that time charged TEA staff with reviewing the plan and exploring potential updates to be discussed at the June 2018 meeting. A summary of feedback received on the current State Plan was received by the committee at the June 2018 meeting.
FISCAL IMPACT: None anticipated at this time.
PUBLIC BENEFIT AND COST TO PERSONS: Districts and schools will have accurate and appropriate information and resources for providing services to students identified as Gifted/Talented and for complying with state law and rule regarding these students.
Staff Members Responsible:
Matthew Montano, Executive Director, Special Populations and Monitoring
Niloy Gangopadhyay, Director of Special Populations
Monica Brewer, Gifted/Talented Statewide Coordinator, Special Populations
Attachment I: Text of 19 TAC Chapter 89 Subchapter A
Attachment II: The proposed Texas State Plan for the Education of Gifted/Talented Students
June 14, 2019
SUMMARY: This item provides the opportunity for the committee and board to review and approve the recommended updates to the Texas State Plan for the Education of Gifted/Talented Students (State Plan).
STATUTORY AUTHORITY: Texas Education Code (TEC), §7.102(c)(15) and §29.123
TEC, §7.102(c)(15), requires the State Board of Education (SBOE) to adopt criteria for identifying gifted and talented students and develop and update a state plan for the education of gifted and talented students.
TEC, §29.123, requires the SBOE to develop and periodically update a state plan for the education of gifted and talented students to guide school districts in establishing and improving programs for identified students.
PREVIOUS BOARD ACTION: The Committee on Instruction discussed the review of the State Plan at the April 12, 2018 and June 14, 2018 meetings. The committee also discussed the draft state plan on April 4, 2019. The SBOE previously approved updates to the State Plan in September 18, 2009.
BACKGROUND INFORMATION AND JUSTIFICATION: The State Plan was first approved and adopted by the State Board of Education (SBOE) in 1975 with the goal of assisting school districts in their efforts to meet the needs of gifted/talented students. The State Plan was then revised in 1980-81 to include a comprehensive outline of school district responsibilities and activities, and to provide guidance for planning, implementing, and providing appropriate educational services for gifted/talented students. In 1990-91, the State Plan was again revised to reflect the changes that had occurred during the previous ten years, including a 1990 statewide mandate for the education of gifted/talented students. The 1990-91 revision included guidelines for school districts to follow that assisted with Texas Administrative Code (TAC) rule compliance and in implementing exemplary programs to assure quality services to gifted/talented students.
In 1996, the SBOE adopted a revision of the State Plan that reorganized the guidance to school districts into a three-column format. The first column, labeled ‘Acceptable,’ established the basis of program accountability. The second and third columns, established a recognized and exemplary level, providing school districts with a guide for program improvement. The three-column format was continued in the 2000, and 2006 versions of the adopted State Plan. In 2009, the SBOE approved a revision of the State Plan that included updated language to the three-columns, establishing the ‘In Compliance’ column as the basis of accountability for gifted/talented services and programming. In addition, the second and third columns provided guidance to school districts on ‘Recommended’ and ‘Exemplary’ targets of service.
Pursuant to TEC, §29.123, the State Plan provides the basis of G/T services, accountability, and assistance to school districts, charging the SBOE with periodically updating the State Plan guidance. At the April 12, 2018 Committee on Instruction meeting, the committee held a discussion item on gifted/talented rule and the State Plan, and at that time charged TEA staff with reviewing the plan and exploring potential updates to be discussed at the June 2018 meeting. A summary of feedback received on the current State Plan was received by the committee at the June 2018 meeting.
FISCAL IMPACT: None anticipated at this time.
PUBLIC BENEFIT AND COST TO PERSONS: Districts and schools will have accurate and appropriate information and resources for providing services to students identified as Gifted/Talented and for complying with state law and rule regarding these students.
Staff Members Responsible:
Matthew Montano, Executive Director, Special Populations and Monitoring
Niloy Gangopadhyay, Director of Special Populations
Monica Brewer, Gifted/Talented Statewide Coordinator, Special Populations
Attachment I: Text of 19 TAC Chapter 89 Subchapter A
Attachment II: The proposed Texas State Plan for the Education of Gifted/Talented Students