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Resolution regarding Career and Technical Education Month

WHEREAS February 1-28, 2019, has been designated National Career and Technical Education Month; and

WHEREAS about 1.4 million Texas secondary students are enrolled in one or more career and technical education (CTE) courses in 1,200 school districts and charter schools throughout the State; and

career and technical education has offered students the opportunity for more than a century to gain the academic, technical and employability skills necessary for true career readiness; and

students in career and technical education programs participate in authentic, meaningful experiences which improve the quality of their education by offering opportunities to apply academic knowledge and skills from across the curriculum; and

career and technical education is a vital and integral part of the Foundation High School Program, offering students pathways to earn recognized endorsements, performance acknowledgements and industry validated credentials; and

the state’s nine career and technical student organizations, BPA, DECA, Educators Rising (Texas Association of Future Educators), FBLA, FCCLA, FFA, HOSA, SkillsUSA, and TSA instill in their members the values, knowledge and skills to be patriotic citizens prepared to fully engage as effective leaders in the formidable and noble task of self-government in our constitutional republic; and

WHEREAS career and technical education provides students with career exploration opportunities early in their educational experience, which enables them to make informed and beneficial decisions about their academic coursework as well as pursuit of established programs of study and career pathways; and

WHEREAS leaders from business and industry nationwide report increasing challenges related to the skills gap and connecting qualified professionals with available careers in critical and growing CTE-related fields; and

WHEREAS career and technical education prepares students fulfilling careers by offering integrated programs of study that link secondary and postsecondary education and significantly contributes to college readiness; and

ensuring that employers have access to a qualified workforce is a crucial step in ensuring productivity among the business and industry communities as well as continued American economic growth and global competitiveness; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, That the State Board of Education, which has been designated by the Texas Legislature as the State Board for Career and Technical Education, does hereby proclaim February 1-28, 2019 as Career and Technical Education Month in Texas, and does hereby urge all Texans to become familiar with the outstanding curriculum delivered by exceptional career and technical education teachers in communities across the state, and to support and participate in these programs to enhance individual skills and productivity.

WITNESS our signatures this first day of February, two thousand and nineteen, in Austin, Texas.

Donna Bahorich, Chair

Georgina C. Pérez, Secretary