January 26, 2022 Committee of the Full Board Item 5
Discussion of Proposed New 19 TAC Chapter 113, Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Social Studies, Subchapter C, High School, §113.62, Personal Financial Literacy and Economics
January 26, 2022
SUMMARY: This item provides an opportunity for the board to discuss proposed new 19 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) Chapter 113, Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Social Studies, Subchapter C, High School, §113.62, Personal Financial Literacy and Economics. The proposed new rule would add Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) for a new social studies course to comply with the requirements of Senate Bill (SB) 1063, 87th Texas Legislature, Regular Session, 2021.
STATUTORY AUTHORITY: Texas Education Code (TEC), §§7.102(c)(4), 28.002(a) and (c), and 28.025(b-1) and (b-22), as amended and added by SB 1063, 87th Texas Legislature, Regular Session, 2021.
TEC, §7.102(c)(4), requires the State Board of Education (SBOE) to establish curriculum and graduation requirements.
TEC, §28.002(a), identifies the subjects of the required curriculum.
TEC, §28.002(c), requires the SBOE to identify by rule the essential knowledge and skills of each subject in the required curriculum that all students should be able to demonstrate and that will be used in evaluating instructional materials and addressed on the state assessment instruments.
TEC, 28.025(b-1), as amended by SB 1063, 87th Texas Legislature, Regular Session, 2021, requires the SBOE to determine by rule specific courses for graduation under the foundation high school program.
TEC, 28.025(b-22), as added by SB 1063, 87th Texas Legislature, Regular Session, 2021, requires that in adopting TEKS for a personal financial literacy and economics course, the SBOE must ensure that the required curriculum allocates two-thirds of instruction time to instruction in personal financial literacy one-third of instruction time to instruction in economics.
The full text of statutory citations can be found in the statutory authority section of this agenda.
FUTURE ACTION EXPECTED: First reading and filing authorization of proposed new §113.62 will be presented at a future SBOE meeting.
BACKGROUND INFORMATION AND JUSTIFICATION: The 83rd Texas Legislature passed House Bill (HB) 2662, amending TEC, §28.0021, to require school districts and open-enrollment charter schools offering a high school program to provide a one-half credit elective course in personal financial literacy. In 2016, the SBOE adopted the proposed new personal financial literacy course. The course, 19 TAC §113.49, Personal Financial Literacy (One-Half Credit), Adopted 2016, was implemented beginning with the 2016-2017 school year.
In 2021, the 87th Texas Legislature passed SB 1063, amending TEC, §28.025, to add a one-half credit course in personal financial literacy and economics as an option to meet the one-half credit graduation requirement for economics under the Foundation High School Program. SB 1063 requires that the SBOE adopt TEKS for the personal financial literacy and economics course and that the required curriculum for the course allocate two-thirds of the instructional time to personal financial literacy and one-third of instructional time to economics.
A personal financial literacy and economics TEKS review work group convened twice in January 2022 to draft recommendations for the proposed new course. The work group's charge includes developing recommendations for revisions to §113.49, Personal Financial Literacy (One-Half Credit), Adopted 2016; §113.31, Economics with Emphasis on the Free Enterprise System and Its Benefits, High School (One-Half Credit), Adopted 2018, and §113.31, Economics Advanced Studies (One-Half Credit), which will be presented to the SBOE for discussion at a future meeting.
Staff Members Responsible:
Monica Martinez, Associate Commissioner, Standards and Support Services
Shelly Ramos, Senior Director, Curriculum Standards and Student Support