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August 31, 2022 Committee of the Full Board Item 6

Approval of Long-Range Plan for Technology

September 2, 2022


SUMMARY: This item provides the opportunity for the board to approve the updated Long-Range Plan for Technology (LRPT) 2018-2025. Upon approval, staff will post the updated LRPT on the Texas Education Agency (TEA) website for use as guidance to Local Education Agencies (LEAs) when planning technology needs for the upcoming school year.

STATUTORY AUTHORITY: Texas Education Code, (TEC) §32.001.

TEC, §32.001 requires the State Board of Education (SBOE) to develop a long-range plan for technology and update the plan at least every five years.

The full text of statutory citations can be found in the statutory authority section of this agenda.

PREVIOUS BOARD ACTION: The SBOE approved the Long-Range Plan for Technology 2018-2023 in November 2018.

BACKGROUND INFORMATION AND JUSTIFICATION: Over the last 3 years since approval of the 2018-2023 LRPT, perception of the role of technology in education has been transformed; the definition and scope of educational technology itself has fundamentally changed. In accordance with the statutory requirement to update the plan at least every five years, the Texas Education Agency reconvened the original 2018-2023 LRPT Advisory Committee and a number of additional subject matter experts to evaluate, revise and add to the 2018 plan to accurately reflect the needs of LEAs today. At the June 2022 SBOE meeting, staff presented to the board a draft of the updated plan.

MOTION TO BE CONSIDERED: The State Board of Education:

Approve the updated Revised and Extended Long-Range Plan for Technology 2018-2025.

Staff Members Responsible:
Melody Parrish, Deputy Commissioner of Technology/CIO, Office of Information Technology
Julia Schacherl, Director of Strategic Projects, Office of Information Technology