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September 2022 Consent Agenda

September 2, 2022

(1) Proposed Amendment to 19 TAC Chapter 112, Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Science, Subchapter C, High School, §112.41, Implementation of Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Science, High School, Adopted 2020
(First Reading and Filing Authorization)

This item presents for first reading and filing authorization a proposed amendment to 19 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) Chapter 112, Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Science, Subchapter C, High School, §112.41, Implementation of Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Science, High School, Adopted 2020. The proposed amendment would update the rule to move the implementation year for the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) for Biology, Chemistry, Integrated Physics and Chemistry, and Physics to the beginning of the 2024-2025 school year to align with the instructional materials timeline. The proposed amendment would also align with the implementation timeline for the Kindergarten-Grade 8 science TEKS and the TEKS for all other high school science courses. Statutory authority is the Texas Education Code (TEC), §§7.102(c)(4); 28.002(a) and (c); and 28.025(a).

(2) Decision on the Percentage Distribution of the Permanent School Fund for Fiscal Years 2024 and 2025 and Related Fund Transfers

This item provides an opportunity for the board to evaluate and approve the Permanent School Fund percentage distribution rate for fiscal years 2024 and 2025. The board will consider various factors associated with the distribution rate such as expected returns, inflation, student growth, current economic conditions.  The board may also consider and approve any transfers in the current biennium that could impact the distribution in the best interest of the Permanent School Fund. Statutory authority is the Texas Constitution, Article VII, §2 and §5, and 19 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) Chapter 33.

(3) One-Time Procedural Action to Correct the Effective Date of Proposed Repeal of 19 TAC Chapter 127, Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Career Development and Career and Technical Education, Subchapter O, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, §127.761 and §127.764

At the June 17, 2022, meeting, the State Board of Education (SBOE) approved for second reading and final adoption proposed new 19 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) Chapter 127, Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Career Development and Career and Technical Education, Subchapter O, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, §127.788, Fundamentals of Computer Science (One Credit), Adopted 2022, and §127.791, Computer Science III (One Credit), Adopted 2022. The SBOE voted to establish an implementation date of the 2023-2024 school year for the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) for the two courses. Also at the June 17, 2022, meeting, the board approved the repeal of the current TEKS for 19 TAC §127.761, Fundamentals of Computer Science (One Credit), and §127.764, Computer Science III (One Credit), with an effective date of August 1, 2022. The result of these actions means that the current TEKS for the two courses would be repealed before the new TEKS are implemented. This item requests that the SBOE take one-time action to amend the motion made at the June 17, 2022, meeting to specify an August 1, 2023, effective date for the proposed repeal of 19 TAC §127.761 and §127.764 in order for the repeal to take effect at the same time that the new TEKS for the two courses are implemented. Statutory authority is the Texas Education Code (TEC), §§7.102(c)(4); 28.002(a) and (c); and 28.025(a), (c-1)(1), and (c-10).

(4) Approval of Updates and Substitutions to Adopted Instructional Materials

This item provides the opportunity for the committee and board to approve update and/or substitution requests received since the last board meeting. The updated content has been reviewed by subject-area specialists and determined to address the pertinent student expectations in a manner equal to the content initially reviewed and approved by the state review panel. Statutory authority is the Texas Education Code (TEC), §31.003 and §31.022.

(5) Report on Permanent School Fund Securities Transactions and the Investment Portfolio and Ratification of Purchases and Sales for the Months of May and June 2022

This item provides an opportunity for the committee and board to receive a report on Permanent School Fund (PSF) Securities Transactions and the Investment Portfolio and consider ratification of purchases and sales of investments executed in the portfolio of the PSF for the months of May and June 2022. Statutory authority is the Texas Constitution, Article VII, §2 and §5, and 19 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) Chapter 33.

(6) Report on Permanent School Fund Liquid Account and Ratification of Purchases and Sales for the Months of May and June 2022

This item provides an opportunity for the committee and board to receive a status update report on the liquid account and consider approval of the purchases and sales of investments executed in the liquid account for the months of May and June 2022. Statutory authority is the Texas Constitution, Article VII, §2 and §5; Texas Natural Resources Code (NRC), §51.414, as repealed by SB 1232, 87th Legislature, Regular Session, 2021; and 19 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) Chapter 33.

(7) Determination Regarding Whether Transfers May be Made from the Permanent School Fund to the Available School Fund

This item provides an opportunity for the committee and board to review the requirement in Article VII, §5(a)(2) that states, the total amount distributed over ten years cannot exceed the total return on all investment assets of the Permanent School Fund (PSF) over the same ten-year period. The board will determine whether transfers may be made from the PSF to the Available School Fund (ASF) in fiscal year 2023. Statutory authority is the Texas Constitution, Article VII, §2 and §5, and 19 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) Chapter 33.

(8) Recommendation for Reappointment to the Boys Ranch Independent School District Board of Trustees

This item provides an opportunity for the board to consider one reappointment to the board of trustees of Boys Ranch Independent School District (ISD). The reappointment is necessary due to the expiration of the term of office of one board member. Statutory authority is the Texas Education Code (TEC), §11.352.

(9) Recommendation for Reappointments to the Lackland Independent School District Board of Trustees

This item provides an opportunity for the board to consider two reappointments to the board of trustees of Lackland Independent School District (ISD). The reappointments are necessary due to the expiration of the terms of office of two board members. Statutory authority is the Texas Education Code (TEC), §11.352.

(10) Recommendation for Reappointment to the Randolph Field Independent School District Board of Trustees

This item provides an opportunity for the board to consider one reappointment to the board of trustees of Randolph Field Independent School District (ISD). The reappointment is necessary due to the expiration of the term of office of one board member. Statutory authority is the Texas Education Code (TEC), §11.352.